A Man Grows A Tail 人生尾

This comes from Xu Yijian Zhi 續夷堅志 (Supplement to the Records of Yijian)
A collection of strange stories collected by the writer Yuan Haowen during the Jin dynasty (1115-1234).


Bo Wang of Qinghe worked as a tailor, and was thirty-seven years old. One day, a Daoist priest named He was leaving for Liaocheng narrated to me, “In early spring of the dingyou year, lying drunk in a peach garden, Wang suddenly saw in his dream an immortal dressed in the gold armour of a palace guard, who came to his side and stood to attention at his service. Wang asked him why, and the immortal said, “I have come to bring you a tail.” After this he began to feel an itching pain in his coccyx, and sprouted a finger-sized tail, bony but covered in soft hair like a sheep’s. He wanted to cut it off – the string of marrow through the middle hurt, and moxibustion treatment made no difference. He himself said the cause was a lack of filial piety towards his mother, and his flesh and skin had paid him back in this way. Everyone went to look at it, and the pain and itching died away, otherwise it would have been unbearable.” Because of all this he called He to cure it, but He was unable to manage it, and so left. Today he lives in Xindian.
Told by He the Daoist.

Yuan Haowen 元好問, ‘Xu Yijian Zhi 續夷堅志 (Supplement to the Records of Yijian)’, ed. by Chang Zhenguo 常振國 in Xu Yijian Zhi / Hu Hai Xinwen Yijian Xu Zhi 續夷堅志 / 湖海新聞夷堅續志 (Selections from Supplement to the Records of Yijian and News of the Lakes and Seas Supplement to Records of Yijian), ed. by Chang Zhenguo 常振國 and Jin Xindian 金心點 (Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1986), juan 1, p. 20.

The Undead Are Fat at Night and Thin in the Day 僵尸夜肥晝瘦


Mr Yu Cangshi tells, “The undead all go out at night to seize and eat people, gradually becoming exceedingly plump in appearance, but they are unlike the living; when their coffins are opened in daylight they are emaciated like human jerky, and they make a chirping sound.

Yuan Mei 袁枚, Wang Yingzhi 王英志 (ed.), Yuan Mei Quanji 袁枚全集 [The Collected Works of Yuan Mei] (Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993), Volume 4: Zi Bu Yu 子不語, juan 24, p. 495.

貘 Mo



On Fangshan there was an animal known as mo (a white leopard*), which liked to eat copper and iron, but did not harm people. The various ploughs, knives, and axes owned by the common folk made its mouth water, and it ate them up like tofu; the iron facings of the city gates were quite devoured too.

*most dictionaries seem to gloss 貘 mò as ‘tapir’, which in this context seems entertaining but unlikely, so I’m following my Classical Dictionary’s minority reading of ‘白豹’ báibào or ‘white leopard’.

Yuan Mei 袁枚, Wang Yingzhi 王英志 (ed.), Yuan Mei Quanji 袁枚全集 [The Collected Works of Yuan Mei] (Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993), Volume 4: Zi Bu Yu 子不語, juan 6, p. 106.

A Flying Vampire 飛僵



A Flying Vampire*

When Governor Jiang of Lingzhou was in Anzhou he met an elderly man whose hands shook constantly, as if he was ringing a small bell. When asked why, the old man said, “My home is in a hamlet, the inhabitants of which only number some ten families. A vampire came from the mountains; it could fly through the air and ate children. Each day before the sun went down, everyone was warned to close their doors and hide their children, but they were often taken anyway. The villagers went to its cave, but it was unfathomably deep and none dared enter.
They heard that in the city was a certain Daoist priest who could do magic, so they gathered gold and silks and went to ask him to catch the ghost.
The magician agreed and set a date to visit the village. He built an altar, and addressed the throng, saying, “My magic can spread out and hold it fast, preventing it from flying away, then you lot can take up weapons and help out; we especially need a big brave man to enter its cave.” The multitude did not dare answer, but I responded, stepping forward and asking why a man should be sent in. The Daoist said, “The thing all vampires fear above all else is the sound of hand-bells, so when night falls you need to wait for it to fly away, then enter the cave ringing two large bells. You must never let your hands stop; even if you rest for a moment, if the vampire enters the cave you will be hurt.”
Time passed, and the Daoist mounted his altar and began to work his magic, so I picked up a pair of bells and after the monster flew away I rang them crazily with all my might. My hands blurred like falling raindrops, but I didn’t dare rest for a moment. The vampire arrived at the mouth of the cave, and sure enough glared furiously, but hearing the clanging it hesitated, afraid to enter, but soon found itself surrounded by villagers, who raised their arms and set upon it. When the sky grew light, it collapsed onto the floor. The crowd then lit a fire and burned it.
Meanwhile I was in the cave and still unaware of all this, ringing the bell as before without daring to stop. At midday the crowd shouted and I left the cave, but my hands kept waving, and are still like this now.”

*The character 僵 jiāng has a central meaning of ‘stiff’ or ‘numb’, but in combination with 尸shī is often used for ‘corpse’, and in supernatural contexts has been used to refer to ambulant corpses, zombies, and the like. As this particular jiangshi is quite predatory and mobile, vampire seems a more useful term than the lumbering forms of the undead associated with the word ‘zombie’.

Yuan Mei 袁枚, Wang Yingzhi 王英志 (ed.), Yuan Mei Quanji 袁枚全集 [The Collected Works of Yuan Mei] (Nanjing: Jiangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993), Volume 4: Zi Bu Yu 子不語, juan 12, pp. 230-31.


Spirits Steal Mantou 鬼搶饅頭



Spirits Steal Mantou

Wenlin said: On Dongting Shan were many hungry ghosts, his family had just steamed a load of mantou, but when they lifted the lid they saw the steamed buns whispering to one another of their own accord and gradually shrinking, from being as big as a bowl down to the size of a walnut, as if their very essence was being devoured. To begin with nobody could understand what caused this, but an old man said, “These have been stolen by hungry ghosts. When you set up the steamer, mark them with a red dot; then they won’t be able to take any.” Following his instructions, each was marked, but they still shrank. One person’s mark alone can’t defeat the thievery of a horde of ghosts.

Yuan Mei 袁枚, Wang Yingzhi 王英志 (ed.), Yuan Mei Quanji 袁枚全集 [The Collected Works of Yuan Mei] (Nanjing: Jangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993), Volume 4: Zi Bu Yu 子不語, juan 22, p. 424.

Black Peonies



Black Peonies

In Hui’an County of Fujian Province was a temple to the King of Qing Shan. Below the temple stairs, the only things planted were black peonies. When the time came for the several hundred flowers to open, each bloom faced the statue of the king; when the idol moved, the flowers turned to face it.

Yuan Mei 袁枚, Wang Yingzhi 王英志 (ed.), Yuan Mei Quanji 袁枚全集 [The Collected Works of Yuan Mei] (Nanjing: Jangsu Guji Chubanshe, 1993), Volume 4: Zi Bu Yu 子不語, juan 4, p. 67.